A Trip Down the Memory Lane

Have you already visited our Memories gallery? Maybe you can even find yourself there. In the Memories gallery you will find photos, videos, and texts from throughout the different years of the Park World Tour. PWT is constantly looking forward, yet we want to remember where we started off and all those nice moments on the way. Small photos can hold big memories.

The Memories gallery will be updated from time to time. The latest addition is this PWT presentation video from the 1990s.

Park World Tour Announces New Website

A new decade, a new website. 2020 will be the 25th year for Park World Tour. To celebrate this, Park World Tour launches a new website.

Since 1996 when Park World Tour was founded, 117 PWT events have taken place – the maps and results from those events you can still find from PWT’s old website, which remains online as a historical archive.

From 2020 on, all the news, events, and other PWT activities can be found from the new website www.parkworldtour.org. PWT also presents a new Facebook pages for PWT and PWT Academy.

As we enter already the 25th year of PWT, PWT will continue to develop and promote orienteering in new countries and areas around the world. The new year will also bring some new collaborators and partnerships, while collaboration with existing partners also continues.

Connected to PWT organisation, Park World Tour Academy will help and support young runners to participate in differents international Events and Academies.

The original idea of Park World Tour is to offer 25 Men + 25 Women elite runners from different countries the possibility to run sprint competitions in urban areas with prize money, connected to cultural and touristic activities, and to give the same conditions for everyone.

Park World Tour, PWT, promoting orienteering since 1996, taking orienteering to new places and introducing our sport to new audiences. The work continues.

PWT & Kisakallio – A New Partnership

Park World Tour and Kisakallio Sports Institute (Finland) have started a collaboration aimed for orienteering promotion.

Heading in to the new decade, PWT also has some new collaborating partners. The first partnership to be announced is between PWT and Kisakallio Sports Institute. The main aim of the collaboration is to promote orienteering and develop orienteering related activities and events. More details will be presented at a later date.

Kisakallio Sports Institute is a non-profit foundation which offers a wide variety of sports, activities, educational possibilities and excellent facilities for professional and amateur sports enthusiasts.

Kisakallio Sports Institute was founded in 1949 to be a Gymnastics institute for women of all ages and today Kisakallio Sports Institute is one of the biggest training and education centers in Finland and Europe with 700 beds and almost 15000 sqm of sport facilities.

Orienteering is one of the main sports in Kisakallio. Kisakallio has hosted a lot of camps, especially for youth. Kisakallio has also organized many national and international events since 1980 when the first official orienteering map from Karnainen Korpi was published. For example, 2011 Kisakallio hosted FIN5 Orienteering week for about 5000 runners. In 2017 Kisakallio hosted World Cup Orienteering Tour of Finland with Hiidenkiertäjät, and in 2019 Kisakallio hosted Orienteering World Cup Tour with Helsingin Suunnistajat.

Every year athletes and students from more than 50 countries come to Kisakallio to combine sports and education.

In Kisakallio, we trust cooperation and we follow the same value as our founder Professor Ms Kaarina Kari already 1937 wrote:
“Happy is the one who is healthy enough to travel, and those healthy that understand to go, are more happier.”

PWT sends Season’s Greetings

Orienteering year 2019 is coming to an end and it’s time look back the past year and what the future will hold.

2019 saw PWT continue the collaboration with Beijing O Week and Learnjoy to organize another successful PWT China tour. The tour presented elite athletes from five continents and 25 different nations including bigger and smaller orienteering nations. The tour was concluded with the 117th Park World Tour event.

2020, PWT will continue collaboration with various parties to promote orienteering around the world. There will also be some exciting news coming up and something new to kick of the new decade.